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Beauty Care
Home Care
Youth Undisguised 2024
What makes young people tick and remains fascinating. In order not to have to rely on speculation, IKW has now once again presented a comprehensive youth study entitled ‘Jugend ungeschminkt 2024’…
IKW and DGK cooperate on training for safety assessors with International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety and Cosmetics Europe
IKW and DGK cooperate on training for safety assessors with International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety and Cosmetics Europe – Two new training modules to be released in autumn 2024
Cosmetics and Sustainability – What Germans Think
Unlike a few years ago, the topic of sustainability is now everywhere. Whether in business, society or the environment, people are increasingly concerned with sustainability. Many are already trying…
Biodiversity in the cosmetics industry
Biodiversity on our planet is decreasing. This affects not only the biodiversity of plants, animals and other life forms, but also the diversity of habitats. This has a dramatic impact on all of us,…
Biodiversity is becoming increasingly important for companies
Natural raw materials play an important role for cosmetic products, because many plant-based and other biological raw materials are used in cosmetics.
Survey: Sustainable action has high priority in the cosmetics industry
The results of the IKW member survey on the topic of sustainability show that responsible and sustainable business practices are firmly anchored in the cosmetics industry. In addition to climate and…
Guidance on “Nature-orientated Cosmetics”
Cosmetic products contribute towards the wellbeing of consumers, and everyday life can no longer be imagined without them. During the past years, consumers have increasingly turned to natural…
Filling stations for cosmetics in retail – What manufacturers and retailers must take into account
In the case of systems for filling cosmetic products in retail trade, the legal requirements of the EC Cosmetic Products Regulation and the respective national regulations in Germany and Austria must…
What do manufacturers do against germs in cosmetics?
Cosmetic products must be safe for the consumer according to the legal requirements. This also includes microbiological safety. The products are therefore manufactured with the greatest possible care…
Finally well styled again!
The results of a current IKW survey show which service Germans would like to use first after the hairdressers reopened.
Advanced training courses for Safety Assessors – now also online
Regardless of when or where you would like to educate yourself: from now on, the course offer for safety assessors of the German Society for Scientific and Applied Cosmetics (DGK) and the German…
Can the corona virus be transmitted through cosmetics?
Consumers are currently wondering how they can protect themselves and their families from infection with the coronavirus. Among other things, there is uncertainty about how the viruses can be…
Packaging made of plastics
We cannot imagine our daily life without detergents and cleaning agents, hair shampoos, toothpaste and other cosmetic products. In order to safely package these products, plastics are frequently…
20 years of continuing education for safety assessors
The German Society for Scientific and Applied Cosmetics (DGK) and the German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association (IKW) have celebrated the 20th anniversary with a scientific…
Review on the DGK IKW Training in January 2017
Exposure to cosmetic products and percutaneous penetration were the major subjects of the two day training for safety assessors on 30 and 31 January 2017 in Frankfurt am Main. The training is one of…
Home Care - Introduction
For detergents and maintenance products, the following legal regulations are especially important:
- Detergents Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004
- Chemicals…
Youth undisguised – Good looks against a loss of control
The German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association (IKW) presents results of youth study “Youth undisguised” – The self-perception and self-esteem of adolescents and young adults,…
Beauty Care - Introduction
Cosmetic products are EU-wide regulated in the EC Cosmetics Regulation. This law contains a lot of requirements for cosmetic products sold in the European Union. Safety assessment of cosmetic…
IKW Recommendation for the Quality Assessment of the Cleaning Performance of Hand Dishwashing Detergents (2024)
In 1998, an IKW working group was first commissioned to develop a “Recommendation for the Quality Assessment of the Cleaning Performance of Hand Dishwashing Detergents”. In 2018, the IKW established…
General information for manufacturers and distributors of cosmetic products in Germany – Overview of the requirements of European cosmetics legislation with links to more detailed information
Please download this document as a pdf file.
Investigation of the influence of the size of a dosing aid on the dosed amount of detergents
On behalf of IKW, the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences in Krefeld conducted a study entitled "Investigation of the influence of the size of a dosing aid on the dosed amount of detergents"...
Mineral oils in cosmetic products are safe
For more than 100 years mineral oils (also called paraffins) have been applied in cosmetic products as safe and important raw materials. They are used with different consistencies in cosmetics, for…
Cosmetics and a hormone-like effect
Sunscreens, deodorants, shampoos & Co. are safe in terms of health. The cosmetic products distributed in Germany are safe and well tolerated. Consumers can apply sunscreens, deodorants or…
How safe are cosmetic products?
Media reports time and again insinuate that cosmetic products apparently include substances which are “harmful to health”: carcinogenic substances, substances which can influence the hormone system,…
IKW Recommendations for the Quality Assessment of Acidic Toilet Cleaners (1999)
Acidic Toilet cleaners are liquids, powder products or granules for the cleaning of toilet bowls, urinals and bidets.
IKW Recommendation for the Quality Assessment of Paint Care Products for Motor Vehicles: Paint cleaners (2018), Paint conditioners (2022), Paint polishes (2023)
Paint care products for motor vehicles are applied on larger, painted body components and can be classified in respect of their polishing, paint conditioning and cleaning properties. Paint cleaners…
IKW statistics prove: cosmetics are very well tolerated
A sample calculation for 2011 illustrates the high safety of the products: for one million packages sold in the field of body care products, the member companies of IKW have notified on average only…
IKW Recommendation for the Quality Assessment of Compatibility of Shoe Uppers with Care Products (2022)
Finishing agents based on aqueous formulations are increasingly used in leather and shoe production, often with a view to creating optical effects. This means that the colours of shoe uppers and…
IKW Recommendation for the Quality Assessment of Glass Cleaning Agents / Glass Cleaners (2022)
Glass cleaning agents/glass cleaners are specially developed for cleaning glass surfaces and smooth and washable surfaces in private households on which there is mainly light soiling.
IKW Recommendation for the Quality Assessment of the Product Performance of Degreasing Power Cleaners (2017)
Degreasing Power Cleaners are preparations consisting of various surfactant mixtures, water soluble sovents and complexing agents.They also contain additives such as perfumes and colourants as well…
Baby powder does not belong in children’s hands!
Time and again accidents occur during which babies or infants play on the diaper changing table with the powder compact and inadvertently spill powder on their face. If they inhale the powder, this…
IKW Recommendations for the Quality Assessment of the Cleaning Performance of Dishwasher Detergents
The "Recommendations for the Quality Assessment of the Cleaning Performance of Dishwasher Detergents
Joint Press Release of PFI and IKW: Compatibility of Shoe Uppers with Care Products (2014)
In 2013 the manufacturers of shoe care products registered a significantly higher number of consumer complaints after the use of shoe care products compared to previous years. This concerned shoes…
IKW Recommendation for the Quality Assessment of the Product Performance of All-Purpose Cleaners (2014)
The update of the IKW Recommendation for the Quality Assessment of the Product Performance of All-Purpose Cleaners (first issued in 2004) was finalised in 2014.  IKW member companies make…
Allergy case at the hairdresser’s – what is to be done?
Cosmetic products are safe; nonetheless there can be an occurrence of an undesirable effect in your salon in rare cases, e.g. a skin irritation or an allergic reaction for one of your customers.…
IKW Recommendation for the Safety Assessment of Detergents, Cleaning and Maintenance Products (2008)
The Recommendation for the Safety Assessment of Detergents, Cleaning and Maintenance
IKW Recommendations for the Quality Assessment of Winter Windscreen Cleaners (2005)
Windscreen cleaners are products that are added - possibly diluted with water as prescribed - to windscreen washer systems of motor vehicles. They serve to clean the front windscreen and the rear…
Important guidance for hairdressers on hair dyeing
Together with the Central Association of the German Hairdressers IKW has published the information flyer “Important guidance for hairdressers on hair dyeing”. Here hairdressers are provided with…
IKW Recommendations for the Quality Assessment of the cleaning performance of Glass Ceramic Cooking Fields (2004)
Glass ceramic cooking fields are commonly found in modern households. For high-quality surfaces, frequently special cleaning products are required. Cleaning Performance and material friendliness are…
IKW Recommendations for the Quality Assessment of the Product Performance of Oven Cleaners (2004)
Oven cleaners are alkaline products to remove persistent types of soiling and incrustations in ovens.
IKW Recommendations "Cement-based joints in bathrooms" (2004)
Many different demands are made on ceramic coverings in bathrooms. They must not only be sealed and laid in accordance with the generally recognised codes of practice so that the subsurface is…
IKW Recommendations for the Quality assessment of Leather Care Products (2002)
These Recommendations for the Quality Assessment of Leather Care Products are for oil products, pasty and liquid - consisting of natural, partly synthetic or synthetic waxes and solvents, in…
IKW Recommendations for the Quality Assessment of Bathroom Cleaners (2002)
Bathroom cleaners for households are liquid products for the cleaning of surfaces made of ceramic materials, porcelain, glass, enamel, plastics or metal.
IKW Recommendation for the Quality Assessment of the Cleaning Performance of Hand Dishwashing Detergents (2002)
Recommendation elaborated in an IKW Working Group by Colgate-Palmolive GmbH, Dalli Werke Wäsche- und Körperpflege GmbH & Co. KG, fit GmbH, Henkel KGaA, Luhns GmbH, Reckitt Benckiser plc., Werner &…
Cosmetic nail modelling
Cosmetic products for nail modelling (nail design) which contain hydroquinone, hydroquinone methyl ether or benzoyl peroxide, must be provided with warnings on the package according to cosmetics…
IKW Recommendations for the Quality Assessment of Floor Shine Emulsions (2000)
Floor shine emulsions are opaque to transparent, aqueous dispersions of polymers and/or waxes and resins, used in the maintenance of all types of floors - except for open pore Wood. After…
Cosmetics industry supports a global agreement to address plastics pollution
In many parts of the world, the burden of plastics waste on the environment has increased dramatically in recent decades.
Official surveillance of cosmetic products
An important contribution to the safety of cosmetic products is made by public food surveillance in the Federal States. Wherever cosmetic products are manufactured or sold, public inspectors carry…
Residual amounts in cosmetic packages
Time and again there are questions concerning the full residual emptying of cosmetic packages. The diversity of cosmetic products also applies to their packages. This is on the one hand due to the…
Cosmetics GMP – Activities and documents
The Competence Partner Beauty Care within IKW informs about the most recent developments on Cosmetics GMP. Furthermore, it offers continuing education events on this topic. The German brochure…
Assessments of cosmetic ingredients by apps and online portals
Various internet portals and smartphone apps offer an “assessment” of cosmetic ingredients, e.g. based on barcodes of cosmetic products. These are primarily commercial offers. IKW considers that the…
IKW Fact Sheet: Safe use of boric acid and borates in liquid detergents
In liquid detergents boric acids and/or borates, the salts of boric acid, are used for the stabilisation of enzymes. Enzymes permit in modern detergents an effective stain removal already at low…
IKW/IHO Cleaning recommendation for Sanitary Fittings
Modern sanitary fittings are made of highly diverse materials. This Cleaning Recommendation
The beard is here to stay!
For young men, a beard is much more than just facial hair. Having a beard separates the men from the boys. So young men take more care of their prized and magnificent facial hair accordingly. The…
The lifecycle of a T-shirt – an eco assessment
The study „The lifecycle of a T-shirt – an eco assessment” by the Technical University Berlin describes the possible environmental impacts of the lifecycle of a white T-shirt’s – ranging from cotton…
Trainings and Seminars for Safety Assessors
Information on the forthcoming DGK/IKW events for safety assessors: Seminar for safety assessors on 27 September 2016 in Warsaw / Training "Microbiological Safety" on 25/26 October 2016 in Frankfurt…
Selfies undisguised – living for the likes
The German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association (IKW) publishes the results of the new youth study “Selfies undisguised”, conducted by Lönneker & Imdahl rheingold…
IKW: The new power of cleaning – New appreciation of an often underestimated activity
Today, cleaning is far more than the tiresome necessity to get rid of dirt in one’s home. This is shown by an in-depth psychological-representative study published by the German Cosmetic, Toiletry,…
IKW Measures to Ensure Compliance with the Limit Value for Phosphorus in Automatic Dishwasher Detergents
As of 1 January 2017, the Amendment (EU) No. 259/2012 for Annex VIa of the Detergents Regulation (EU) No. 648/2004 goes into effect.
IKW: Voluntary Agreement on hypochlorite-containing household cleaners
In the year 1985 the then Federal Ministry of Youth, Family and Health and the IKW signed the voluntary agreement on hypochlorite-containing household cleaners. This agreement remains in force. The…
Safety Assessment of Cleaning and Maintenance Products, which contain Nanomaterials and/or Form Nano-Layers
This publication highlights essential elements of a safety assessment of cleaning and maintenance
Exampel Safety Assessment of an All-Purpose Cleaner
The Recommendation for the Safety Assessment of Detergents, Cleaning
Coumarin in cosmetic products
The Competence Partner Beauty Care within IKW assesses the cosmetics with the fragrance coumarin available on the German cosmetics market as safe. The demand made by the Federal Institute for Risk…
IKW Database: Group Data Sheets for cosmetic products
Cosmetic products are exempted from the obligations to label under chemicals law and to transmit safety data sheets. Cosmetic products are products which correspond to the definition referred to in…
Instructions for use of self-tanning products
As a rule self-tanning products do not contain any UV protection. For a large number of products a corresponding mention is made on the package (e.g. “Does not contain any UV protection”, “Does not…
Labelling of pump sprays in the field of hair care and deodorants
In accordance with Article 8 para 1 d) in conjunction with No. 2.2 b) of the Annex to the Aerosol Dispenser Directive, pressurised containers which contain flammable components must regularly be…
“Nano” in cleaning and maintenance products intended for private consumers
Nanotechnology (Greek “nanos” = dwarf) is a collective term for a broad selection of technologies which focus on research, processing, production and application of materials and structures which…
The role of fragrances in detergents, maintenance and cleaning products
Fragrances and odorous substances play a major part for household detergents, maintenance and cleaning products. FORUM WASCHEN has discussed important aspects concerning the safety for humans and…
Contact allergies and irritations – do detergents and cleaning products play a role?
Can fragrances in fabric conditioners, in detergents or cleaning products be responsible for a skin irritation? What is the opinion of experts of the German Allergy and Asthma Society (DAAB) or…
REACh – the chemicals legislation of the European Union
The abbreviation REACh stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical Substances. The “REACh Regulation” was published in the Official Journal of the European Union…
European Union: New regulations on detergents and cleaning products
The European Parliament and the Member States of the European Union (EU) have reached an agreement on an amendment to the legislation on detergents and cleaning products, the so-called European…
Sustainability initiative of the European detergent and cleaning products industry
Sustainability is a topic which has been covered by the European detergent, maintenance and cleaning product industry for many years. Numerous initiatives reflect how the industry translates the…
Fact sheets on palm kernel and coconut oil as raw materials
Manufacturers of detergents, maintenance and cleaning products frequently use plant oils as raw materials in production. The use of natural palm kernel oil and coconut oil is particularly popular.…
Action Day – Sustainable Washing (up)
Since 10 May 2004 the annual Action Day Sustainable Washing (up) takes place with numerous campaigns throughout Germany. By way of preparation for the Action Day 2015, a disseminator…
IKW Sustainability Report
The Competence Partner Home Care within IKW documents initiatives and trends on sustainability in connection with home care products. The most recent “Report on sustainability in the detergent,…
Globally Harmonised System (GHS)
The ad-hoc Working Group “GHS” of IKW has published an article in the SÖFW Journal 10 2007 on the question “What will change for cleaning products as a result of the Globally Harmonised System (GHS)…