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Information for Professionals/Good to know
Youth Undisguised 2024

What makes young people tick and remains fascinating. In order not to have to rely on speculation, IKW has now once again presented a comprehensive youth study entitled ‘Jugend ungeschminkt 2024’ (Youth Undisguised 2024). Following ‘Jugend ungeschminkt’ (2016), ‘Selfies ungeschminkt’ (2018) and ‘Insta ungeschminkt’ (2019), IKW has now listened very carefully to Gen Z for the fourth time. The aim: to understand how young women and men experience growing up. How do young people deal with the many crises in the world? What strategies do they develop to realise their dreams and strengthen their self-esteem? And what can cosmetics do in this context?
‘Youth Undisguised 2024“ confirms many of the findings from previous studies with current data. Young people still use cosmetics to regain a sense of control in their lives. What is new, however, is that the rest of the body and the psyche are also being intensely modelled and worked on. Find out how they go about this and what expectations they have of life.
The results of the indepth-psychological representative study were conducted by Lönneker & Imdahl in 2024 and are based on 34 indepth-psychological interviews and a representative online study of 1012 young people. Young people between the ages of 16 and 24 were surveyed.